Autumn Facial Sauna For Dry Skin
Maximize the benefits of a facial mask by first steaming your face using the following treatment.
4 whole cloves
1 tsp olive oil (for oily skin types, omit the olive oil)
Place ingredients in a large pot and add 2 1/2 quarts boiling water.
Steam face for 5 minutes by making a tent over the pot with a towel.
Pat face dry then splash cold water on your skin to close pores.
Now your face is ready to receive our fall-inspired soothing mask!
Pumpkin Pie Face Mask
This mask is chalked full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Pumpkin is known to slow down the aging process, as it smoothes and tones the skin.
1 tbsp pumpkin (canned is fine – see tip below)
A squirt of liquid honey
A drop of milk (about 1/4 tsp )
A sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)
Mix ingredients together and apply to face with fingertips. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse with a warm water washcloth. Feel the glow!
Tip: You don’t have to buy a can of pumpkin just for this recipe. Plan to bake a pie and reserve a tablespoon for this great mask!
Maximize the benefits of a facial mask by first steaming your face using the following treatment.
4 whole cloves
1 tsp olive oil (for oily skin types, omit the olive oil)
Place ingredients in a large pot and add 2 1/2 quarts boiling water.
Steam face for 5 minutes by making a tent over the pot with a towel.
Pat face dry then splash cold water on your skin to close pores.
Now your face is ready to receive our fall-inspired soothing mask!
Pumpkin Pie Face Mask
This mask is chalked full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Pumpkin is known to slow down the aging process, as it smoothes and tones the skin.
1 tbsp pumpkin (canned is fine – see tip below)
A squirt of liquid honey
A drop of milk (about 1/4 tsp )
A sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)
Mix ingredients together and apply to face with fingertips. Leave on for 20 minutes then rinse with a warm water washcloth. Feel the glow!
Tip: You don’t have to buy a can of pumpkin just for this recipe. Plan to bake a pie and reserve a tablespoon for this great mask!
Apple Cream Toning Mask (from the book!)
Copyright Lisa Sharon Belkin